If you haven’t had a chance to review your options for coverage next year, there is still time!
Even though your health plan is renewed for 2023, you can still make changes to it until December 31 for your coverage that begins on January 1.
If you haven’t reviewed your renewal notice from Covered California yet, it’s important to take time to read it carefully to understand any changes to your financial help and confirm you have a plan that meets your needs. You can review your renewal notice by logging in to your online account and checking your secure mailbox.
Get to know your coverage and understand your benefits for 2023
It’s also a great time to make sure you understand your benefits and how to use your coverage. Your health coverage not only helps protect you from the financial burden of an unexpected medical bill, but includes essential health benefits, such as FREE preventive care . Preventive care includes services like annual wellness exams and health screenings that can help detect health issues early. Utilizing preventive care is an important step to maintaining your wellness. If you haven’t yet, make time to review your benefits so you will be prepared to get the most out of your health plan in 2023!
REMEMBER: Even if your 2023 health plan has already been renewed, if you’d like to make changes to your coverage that will begin January 1, 2023, you need to do so by December 31. The last day to make changes to your coverage is January 31 when open enrollment ends.
How do I compare health plans and change my coverage for 2023?
There are three ways you can compare health plans and make changes to your coverage:
1. Log in to your CoveredCA.com account or start an online account if you don’t have one. Visit the Enrollment Dashboard under “Manage your 2023 Application.” Then select “Change Plan” to update to your new 2023 health plan. At Covered California, all plans, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, offer comprehensive health coverage that include the same essential health benefits and standardized levels of coverage. Just select the health plan that best fits you and your budget for 2023!
If you previously have not applied for financial help, you will be asked if you would like to see if you qualify for help. If you select “YES” then “Save & Continue,” you will be guided through sections of your application to provide more information.
IMPORTANT: Be sure you’ve updated your income, Zip code and how many people are in your household as listed on your tax return as this information determines the amount of financial help you may get. If you forgot your username or password for your online account you can find help here. 2. Call the Covered California Service Center at 800-300-1506. Be sure to check CoveredCA.com for the current Service Center hours of operation. 3. Contact an expert in your area for free assistance.
800-300-1506 | CoveredCA.com